Tips for trips

Trip suggestions in the Železný Brod area 

mapka s památkami

The town lies on the imaginary border between Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj), the Jizerské hory and the Krkonoše Mountains and it is the ideal starting point for trips to the surroundings. Marked trails will take you to interesting places around the town.

The Železný Brod Loop

Železnobrodzka pętla


This trail from Železný Brod and back is 8.5 km long. Take the yellow trail from náměstí 3. května (square) and you will be able to experience interesting views of the countryside around Železný Brod.

The Malá Skála Area


Malá Skála is located in the deep Jizera valley. It is an important holiday resort and a starting point for the entire Bohemian Paradise, namely Suché skály (rocks), Drábovna and the Vranov and Frýdštejn castles. The Jizera River that runs through appeals to water sport lovers, while the nearby rock formations provide climbing opportunities.


The Kalich – Chléviště


The Kalich-Chléviště rock maze is found near the village of Besedice, about 5 km from Železný Brod. During the Counter-Reformation, the rocks provided a refuge to persecuted non-Catholics. It is commemorated by a chalice and the year 1634 carved into a rock. In the middle of five canyons is a cave housing a symbolic prayer room of the Bohemian Brethren.



The Klokočské skály Rocks

Klokočske skaly


A vast sandstone plateau with the Rotštejn rock castle and the Postojná cave that was inhabited in prehistory are located about 9 km south of Železný Brod. From the Klokočské skály plateau, you can have an exceptional view of the entire Kozákov panorama.



Kozákov ze swoimi 744 m n.p.m. jest najwyższym szczytem Czeskiego Raju. Od 1928 roku na jego szczycie stoi schronisko turystyczne Riegrova chata, a od 1993 r. znajduje się tu stalowa wieża, której galeria na wysokości 24 metrów używana jest jako punkt widokowy. Przy dobrej pogodzie można zobaczyć stąd nawet jedną czwartą historycznych Czech (Bohemii).


Rieger’s Trail and the Spálov Hydroelectric Power Plant

This trail will take you through the Jizera valley and connects Železný Brod with the nearby town of Semily. It is about 7 km long. Several viewpoints offer beautiful vistas of the Jizera River and its valley. You will also be able to see a curiosity – a 77 metre long suspension bridge built 5.5 metres above the original river level. Another exceptional structure is the hydroelectric power plant in Spálov (open to the public). Water is brought to the turbine by a 1300 metre long tunnel that is cut into the rock. Szlak wiedzie doliną Izery, łącząc Železný Brod z sąsiednim miasteczkiem Semily. Jego długość wynosi około 7 km. Z kilku punktów widokowych roztacza się wspaniała panorama na rzekę i jej dolinę. Warta zobaczenia jest znajdująca się na trasie ścieżki licząca sobie 77 metrów długości galeria wisząca na wysokości 5,5 m nad powierzchnią rzeki. Inną ciekawostkę stanowi budynek elektrowni wodnej w Spálovie (można zwiedzać). Wodę do turbiny doprowadza mierzący 1300 m długości wydrążony w skale tunel.

The Bozkov Dolomite Caves

You can take a guided tour of the caves. With a length of more than 1,000 metres, it is the largest cave system in northeast Bohemia. Visitors will be able to see an underground lake with clear blue-green water.

Palacký’s Trail

This trail leads through the most beautiful valley of the Kamenice River and takes you to the medieval castle ruins of Návarov. It runs along the left bank of the Kamenice River from Podspálov to Tanvald. Ścieżka Palackiego (Palackého stezka) prowadzi przez najpiękniejszy odcinek doliny rzeki Kamenice do ruin średniowiecznego zamku Návarov. Wiedzie wzdłuż lewego brzegu Kamenice ze wsi Podspálov do Tanvaldu.

The Pěnčín Leisure Grounds

Visitors will be able to see a goat farm, ride a steam train to the nearby Černá Studnice lookout tower or visit an agricultural museum.

Kittel’s Grounds and Kittel’s Museum

These 18th century grounds include the Church of Saint Joseph, a parish house, a plague column, a chapel over a well with healing water, and, most importantly, Kittel’s House. The Church of Saint Joseph was built by the most famous local, Johann Josef Kittel, between 1756 and 1760, who almost entirely financed the construction by himself. Kittel was a famous doctor whose life and practice are commemorated in the local museum.

Černá Studnice

Cerna Studnice

There is a 26 metre tall Art Nouveau granite lookout tower on the top of Černá Studnice Hill. It was open together with a chalet in 1905. It is a dominant feature of the Černá Studnice range and offers a beautiful view of Ještěd, the Jizerské hory and the Krkonoše Mountains.




The Church of the Holy Trinity in Bzí

This late Baroque church is one of the most famous sacral structures in the Jablonec nad Nisou area. Its huge tower houses a bell from 1593.